Bitcoin Assembly 33C3 A place for all topic Bitcoin & Blockchain. We will have the Bitcoin-Sofa again for you to chill out and ask us all the questions. Planned Events at Bitcoin-Assembly Everyday around 3pm we will have a Satoshi-Square - a meetup to buy and sell bitcoin from private person to private person. IF YOU LIKE/PLAN TO PRESENT YOUR BITCOIN/BLOCKCHAIN PROJECT OR EXPERIENCE AT THE ASSEMBLY: Meet us at the table to coordinate. All projects or research needs to be open - no proprietary startups - sorry. Day1 the opening starts at 11am. Christian will try to be on location around 10am latest for basic assembly setup. Would be great if others can join in so that we are ready after opening talk. I (Michael) will arrive on the 26th, so I can find a good spot, but I don't have any stuff and gimmicks with me. Assembly Setup Could we have this poster at our assebly somewhere? Christain will bring small LED beamer, Loudspeaker with Microphone. (LED beamer starts to show dead pixel, has somebody backup? LED may be kaputt) I have a 320x240 Pixel Beamer, I will bring it, but it is not so bright. Christian will bring his old HD-Beamer - its a bit bigger but should be OK. I also have white foil to place onto the wall for projection round. I will try to get the bitcoin sign and Denis Display fro room77. Further Planning DAY1 3:00pm - Satoshi Square DAY2 3:00pm - Satoshi Square 3:15pm - Ledger Talk & Workshop 4:00pm - How to run a bitcoin full node DAY3 3:00pm - Satoshi Square @BTChip Nicolas Bacca from Ledger will be at 33c3 and provide us with engineering samples. offered him to make a self-created session at the assembly day2 15:15uhr (15min presentation plus 30min workshop) one more idea for Nicolas: for day 3 also a second workshop would be great to show how to combine ledger+electrum+tails for anon BTC use Xenia from the Ethereum community will hook us up with ETH folks, would be great to have a Ethereum workshop also Yeah ETH would be very nice to cover Stefan Schindler from Genesis Mining plans to be on location. Would ne great to have a talk about mining - maybe we can ask Denis as a oldschool miner to join in for a talk abot the past and the future of mining. Elizabeth from Lightning Network will be there (it's all open source! and is happy to chat with people about decentralized, p2p scaling and instant transacting. Links to tell people visiting the Assembly: How to buy Bitcoin: (? is good ?) ThereIsNoGame - lets brainstorm on possible quests we will defently NOT offer: For info see (click on the logo on left up) - enter "collaborate3" into password form - a password is an "artifact" to open a quest. (thanks for the info, it's public btw) We could do something with cryto tokens. For example people could exchange them. Or people have to do cooperate with a multisig transaction. Or we put some contracts on the blockchain and to release the token they have to solve the BTC script quest idea: create a multisig wallet with another quest seeker and send from there a transaction to make the cat wave (Dirk Cat Wallet on Desk) Dirk is bringing most likely the BTC Winkekatze (may need some repair/update): quest idea - simpler: just put a QR Code with a BTC address onto the waving cat and say to people: "Make the cat to greet you friendly without touching." quest idea: for a spoken text password the quester gets an individual pass token ticket (setup process from text to ticket password) quest idea: solve a riddle that we setup on the blockchain (maybe use dogecoin blockchain) Links for Ethereum talk: PDF download: •Install MetaMask ( •Get some TestEther from speaker • Generate a wallet on testnet •Use MetaMask on testnet to deploy a contract or create your own coin: • • • •Mobile Wallet: install LETH ( Further study: