Who * Sam * @samthetechie my app is @sukeyio * 07737577210 * samuelcarlisle@gmail.com * github: samtehtechie * Paul * @paulmai * +447789472286 * github: ? * paulmaidmentuk@googlemail.com * http://www.paulmaidment.co.uk * My app on Android Market is "Flags of the world" (two versions 'Ad Supported' and 'Paid', published under my name) * * Sebastian * @SebastianMaki * github: ? * +447450608334 * sebastian.maki@gmail.com Direct contact info with judges / groups: Direct contact info with their developers who are 'on call': Haptic Feedback Guys Sony Guys * Social Media Twitter (main droidcon) https://twitter.com/search?q=%23droidcon&src=hash Twitter (hackathon bit) https://twitter.com/search?q=vhack&src=typd What Agreed Technologies * Android * HTML5, JS, CSS (phonegap) - rapid application development. Sam is good at this :) * Git- for Sam w/ frontend and website code * perfect for quick html, js, css code snippets being pushed to webservers etc. * this code can be git cloned to the webroot folder and managed independantly form the main android code. * SVN- for Paul w/ android code ++ integrates will with eclipse. (maybe add the 'webroot' folder in the phonegap build to ignored directories and let git handle it? A journey of 1000miles begins with the first step! Let's get on with it. * (sam) DONE * Website: cineweb.co.uk * Use this for the demo * User Documentation (DRAFT) https://xp-dev.com/wiki/174894/Homepage * Setup WebServer (ask Sam for credentials) * Debian 6 * Shell / SSH access * shitty multi hosting VPS thingy * python * git * apache * mySQL * ... just ask for more stuff if required guys :) * SCM * Git Deployment to Server * Github repo: * Pulled from Paul's SVN Repo to my laptop * Community * Github: https://github.com/cinesub/ * Oneclickorgs: http://cinesub.oneclickorgs.com IN PROGRESS * Phonegap hello world * Install adt, eclipse: https://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html#Configure * Install phonegap * http://phonegap.com/download BACKLOG * Make a github repo with vanilla phonegap app and give push/pull access to Sebastian + Paul * Push to github. * demo of pairing of devices vis: web.airdroid.com made in phonegap. * Milestone: pair a laptop with a phone * Review: https://developers.google.com/tv/remote/docs/pairing * Code: https://code.google.com/p/google-tv-pairing-protocol/ * Community * IRC: irc.freenode.net #cinesub (paul) - skeletonapp for android * srt to speech * paul to break this down * voice search pairing Where Possible Venues: Google Campus London (??) London Hackspace (24/7/365) Skills Matter (??) Sam's House (whenever Sam is in) Generic Cafe (9 to 6) When When is the hacking happening? Friday 26: 8pm-10pm kick-off and dinner! (source: http://uk.droidcon.com/vhack/ ) Saturday 27: 9->all night: code (source: http://uk.droidcon.com/vhack/ ) When is the judging happening? Sunday 28: 1PM Presentation and winning ceremony! (source: http://uk.droidcon.com/vhack/ ) * when are people available to work (day / time range)? * Sam * all the time (seriously!) Just not Sunday evening. :) * Paul * Friday - Saturday 3:30AM * Saturday 6PM - The wee small hours of Sunday * Sunday - as soon as I wake * Sebastian * Friday, Saturday until 6 AM, sleep and then Sunday Why Why are we doing this? What is your personal motivation? Sam - I like hacking shit and breaking things, having fun and helping people. Sebastian - I want to make cool tools to make life easier and more fun How * Open Source all code under aGPLv3 * Publish to github.com * Documentation (text in simple README.md (markdown): https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet * Request code reviews and get people to submit issues via twitter and link to github * Use jenkins to unit test List of competition categories and descriptions. * RNIB * Haptic Feedback team * SONY / Screen Sizes: tablet, sony google tv, twitter watch thing, phone (Xperia???) * Watch video for the list from the * Link Dump * Tools * Realtime text collaborative text editor: http://pads.ccc.de/ * SCM * GIt Team Code Hosting / Issue Tracking? https://github.com/ * Ubuntu GIt $ sudo apt-get install git * UBuntu Git source tree viewer $ sudo apt-get install gitg or sudo apt-get install gitk * Git Cheatsheet: http://zrusin.blogspot.co.uk/2007/09/git-cheat-sheet.html * Testing / Debugging: http://jenkins-ci.org/ * Sites Sam's App: http://sukey.io/ http://sukey.org Paul's App: Skills Matter Droidcon Advert: http://skillsmatter.com/event/os-mobile-server/droidcon-uk-2012 Previous RNIB Hackathon @ Skills Matter: http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/official-rnib-accessibility-hackathon RNIB Innovation Hub : http://getpocket.com/a/read/241738399 RNIB - Supporting Blind and Partially Sighted People - http://getpocket.com/a/read/29023319 RNIB - Mobile accesibility for Android - App of the month for March 2011 - http://getpocket.com/a/read/209132136 (do they have other app of the month entries?) Opensense SDK - http://getpocket.com/a/read/96615055 Android Developer Site - Supporting multiple screen sizes : http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html Sony Android Developer Portal - http://android.developer.sony.com/ Android - Using the Text to Speech Engine - http://getpocket.com/a/read/116550850 *****Android API Guide on Accessibility*****: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/accessibility/index.html Android - Developers Blog (Accessibility) http://android-developers.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/accessibility-are-you-serving-all-your.html see copy-pasta howto below How to Make Your Application Accessible * It would be great to be able to give you a standard recipe for accessibility, but the truth of the matter is that the right answer depends on the design and functionality of your application. Here are some key steps for ensuring that your application is accessible: * Task flows: Design well-defined, clear task flows with minimal navigation steps, especially for major user tasks, and make sure those tasks are navigable via focus controls (see item 4). * Action target size: Make sure buttons and selectable areas are of sufficient size for users to easily touch them, especially for critical actions. How big? We recommend that touch targets be 48dp (roughly 9mm) or larger. * Label user interface controls: Label user interface components that do not have visible text, especially ImageButton, ImageView, and EditText components. Use the android:contentDescription XML layout attribute or setContentDescription() to provide this information for accessibility services. * Enable focus-based navigation: Make sure users can navigate your screen layouts using hardware-based or software directional controls (D-pads, trackballs and keyboards). In a few cases, you may need to make UI components focusable or change the focus order to be more logical. * Use framework-provided controls: Use Android's built-in user interface controls whenever possible, as these components provide accessibility support by default. * Custom view controls: If you build custom interface controls for your application, implement accessibility interfaces for your custom views and provide text labels for the controls. * Test: Checking off the items on this list doesn’t guarantee your app is accessible. Test accessibility by attempting to navigate your application using directional controls, and also try eyes free navigation with the TalkBack service enabled. https://play.google.com/apps/publish Uploading an app Upload assets Screenshots at least 2 Screenshots: 320 x 480, 480 x 800, 480 x 854, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 800 24 bit PNG or JPEG (no alpha) Full bleed, no border in art You may upload screenshots in landscape orientation. The thumbnails will appear to be rotated, but the actual images and their orientations will be preserved. Add a screenshot: https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins High Resolution Application Icon [Learn More] High Resolution Application Icon: 512 x 512 32 bit PNG or JPEG Maximum: 1024 KB Add a hi-res application icon: Promotional Graphic optional Promo Graphic: 180w x 120h 24 bit PNG or JPEG (no alpha) No border in art Add a promotional graphic: Feature Graphic optional [Learn More] Feature Graphic: 1024 x 500 24 bit PNG or JPEG (no alpha) Will be downsized to mini or micro Add a feature graphic: Promotional Video optional Promotional Video: Enter YouTube URL Add a promotional video link: Privacy Policy [Learn more] Add a privacy policy link: Not submitting a privacy policy URL at this time Marketing Opt-Out Do not promote my application except in Google Play and in any Google-owned online or mobile properties. I understand that any changes to this preference may take sixty days to take effect. Design preview tool for android - http://getpocket.com/a/read/122184204 (awesome, can demo this later, very cool) x.com/mobile - Can't remember what this was but it is important ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Random Notes (from my paper notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the ideas from speakers: Speaking pumpkin on a TV anybody? Another idea from speaker: Accessible vibrating watch RNIB guys are called Gary and Nick Haptics SDK !!! <- Serious Galaxy Note 10.1 up for grabs if we use their SDK and they like us http://blog.immersion.com/2012/10/meet-us-at-droidcon/ Haptics SDK: http://www2.immersion.com/developers/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=119&Itemid=592 Sam's Mindmaps http://mind42.com/mindmap/55083e03-8e8b-4943-a1ae-8dd97b0574da?rel=url and http://mind42.com/mindmap/7d55ff0d-faaf-4bee-9403-beccbeb79a1b?rel=url Sam's Idea - Quickstart (to sukey?) guide, warrants some discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/phonegap/kfruUa3AImw Hello World, CineSubActivity! CineSub Start Server Stop Server https://xp-dev.com/svn/cinesub http://subdownloader.net/ Just apt-get install subdownloader in Ubuntu (I imagine Fedora may have a Yum or RPM equivelant?) http://vhackandroid.wikia.com/wiki/VHA_2012_London_Hacks https://github.com/SeraphimSerapis/GADC-MoneyBeam https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/products/mobile-payment-libraries https://developers.google.com/tv/faq#screensize https://developers.google.com/tv/android/docs/gtv_market_publishing_checklist https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins