002 Regular meeting ~ Hackerspaces.org

Attendees: bronsen, g5pw, sva, aimeejulia, waterppk, <add your name here>


# Content of the wiki

## hackerspaces census update 

(aimeejulia) - from my end I don't have many updates, only that I am receiving replies to my queries to the hackerspaces which I wasn't sure about and am updating them slowly, but the organic shop stuff got in the way and I am still reviewing the US listings

## checking wiki pages 
(bronsen) - was not able to keep to my commitment from last time: I haven't checked any wiki pages :/
## map team feedback
# Meetbot
(sva) said that jomat: had installed a meetbot afaik - so thats a news to be reported ;)

# Hackerspaces.org Geekend
# meeting at 36c3

# next meeting

## self-proclaimed editors report their progress in reviewing wiki pages
## discuss hackerspaces.org geekend updates