Welcome to ChaosPad CK95 !


DEc.29th at Freiland In Potsdam
for Reconnect to Chaos #37c3

In the Fahrplan :

CiTiZEN KiNO is a series of live events using curated films + media bits to collectively navigate our challenging times. An interventionist cinema environment, a situationist art and a hacking of the screens. Participation + discussion encouraged !

C-KiNO #95 will be an updated version of our episode presented at Bits Und Baume at TU Berlin in Oktober 2022. For Chaos in Potsdam we would like to provide a brief report back on our experiences at BnB conferences ( both 2018 and 22 ) along with our ongoing work related to the controversial "Anthropocene" and "Technosphere" framings of our ecological and social crises. We share our "XLterrestrials" ( i.e. alien, sci-fi and indigenous-inclusive ) analysis and critical perspectives. And we encourage questions, discussion and debate. And NEW IDEAS !

These Pads Links Below were used to develop the themes for Bits Und Baume in October"
 2x / 2 episodes:
 And in these other pads, you will find links to some of the MEDIA CLIPS we will use for the CK95 for the show at Freiland.
 We are not yet sure if WE will be allowed to LIVESTREAM the event, due to screening rights. But since we are an educational lecture, perhaps technically we are covered, But that doesnt mean the CCC crew will be able to "accomodate this format" . 
And we are developing 
CK95  for Chaostreff Potsdam, one of the decentralized nodes for


at Freiland

more notes to come soon !


CK95 new stuff:

Vintage BBC on Computers

Kids in 1966 asked about their future in 2000

yuval harari vs.
slavoj zizek on NATURE

( needs to be deeply taken apart )


Digital Dissisdenti ( from Kinolab in Praha )


Submedia Tv : Trouble #19:  Quiet Storm -  Tech and Social Control


Steven Donziger info ( case against Chevron in Ecuador )
On Telesur

Dave vs. the Hal 9000 as Siri

Other resources:

Lewis Mumford

"Only  those who are sufficiently awake to the forces that menace us and who  have taken the full measure of their probable consequences will be able  to overcome them." - Lewis Mumford

Librarian Shipwreck

Search for Mumford :


( from CK94 )

Paul Mobbs’ Aldous Huxley remix

Rise Up doc


find more media links at CK93 and CK94 notes