You can find your name below the list of papers we'll read. Volunteer for the paper you like on the date it is to be discussed (on the day that you're assigned to). Do not change the day of your participation unless you've discussed with the person that you're switching with. Thanks! Please don't change the dates, that could cause confusion :-) Tue 14.5.2024 1) Marx 2) Stuber Thu 16.5.2024 1) Schmack 2) Sauer Tue 28.5.2024 3) Djouadi 4) Nguyen Thu 20.6.2024 3) Junge 4) Fabricius Tue 18.6.2024 5) Castro 6) Idvorean Thu 4.7.2024 5) Dissert 6) Schall Tue 25.6.2024 7) Springer 8) Zetto Thu 11.7.2024 7) 8) Baumgarten-Egemole Tue 2.7.2024 9) Knapp-Holldorf 10) Dormann Thu 25.7.2024 9) Knirsch 10) Spannagel Papers 2024: 1) Sangwook Bae and others, "Watching the Watchers: Practical Video Identification Attack in LTE Networks", USENIX Security, 2022 2) C. Diaz, S. Seys, J. Claessens, B. Preneel, "Towards measuring anonymity", In Proc. 2nd International Conference on Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs), LNCS, vol. 2482., pp. 54–68, 2002. 3) Latanya Sweeney. Simple demographics often identify people uniquely. Health, 2000 4) YA de Montjoye, CA Hidalgo, M Verleysen, VD Blondel. Unique in the Crowd: The privacy bounds of human mobility. Nature srep. 3 5) A. Narayanan and V. Shmatikov, "Robust de-anonymization of large sparse datasets", in Proc. IEEE Symp. Secur., Priv. (SP). IEEE Comput. Soc., May 2008, pp. 111-125. 6) Juhi Kulshrestha, Marcos Oliveira, Orkut Karac ̧alık, Denis Bonnay, Claudia Wagner. Web Routineness and Limits of Predictability:Investigating Demographic and Behavioral Differences Using Web Tracking Data 7) Kim Wuyts, Riccardo Scandariato, Wouter Joosen, Empirical evaluation of a privacy-focused threat modeling methodology, Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 96, 2014, 8) Yili Ren and others, "Person Re-identification in 3D Space: A WiFi Vision-based Approach", USENIX Security, 2023 9) Dantcheva, Antitza, Petros Elia, and Arun Ross. "What else does your biometric data reveal? A survey on soft biometrics." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11.3 (2015): 441-467. 10) Fiore, Marco, et al. "Privacy in trajectory micro-data publishing: a survey." Transactions on Data Privacy 13 (2020): 91-149. Reading Groups: Tue: 1 Idvorean 2 Dormann 3 Marx 4 Castro 5 Knapp 6 Springer 7 Nguyen 8 Stuber 9 Djouadi 10 Zetto Thu 1 Junge 2 Schall 3 Fabricius 4 Knirsch 5 Sauer 6 Dissert 7 Baumgarten-Egemole 8 9 Schmack ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## Everything below is old, to be ignored 1) Wagner, Isabel, and David Eckhoff. "Technical privacy metrics: a systematic survey." ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51.3 (2018): 1-38. It's all in your head(set): Side-channel attacks on AR/VR systems Authors: Yicheng Zhang, Carter Slocum, Jiasi Chen, and Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, University of California, Riverside Person Re-identification in 3D Space: A WiFi Vision-based Approach Authors: Yili Ren and Yichao Wang, Florida State University; Sheng Tan, Trinity University; Yingying Chen, Rutgers University; Jie Yang, Florida State University Kuhn, Christiane, et al. "On Privacy Notions in Anonymous Communication." Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2 (2019): 105-125. 6) G. Acs, C. Castelluccia and R. Chen, "Differentially Private Histogram Publishing through Lossy Compression," 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining, Brussels, 2012, pp. 1-10. 7) M. K. Reiter, A. D. Rubin, "Crowds: Anonymity for Web transactions", ACM Trans. Inform. Syst. Secur., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 66-92, 1998. 9) Armknecht, Frederik, and Thorsten Strufe. "An efficient distributed privacy-preserving recommendation system." 2011 The 10th IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop. IEEE, 2011.