EMF London <-> CCCamp Pallet Shipping

For the last camp we arranged a pallet to be shipped from London to CCCamp to avoid people having to bring their stuff by plane.

Pallet shipping costs have risen in the last 4 years so it now looks like it'll cost around £450 to ship a pallet return. We can probably get about 10 peoples' gear on one, so if we have enough people it'll be about £45 each (return). This is probably still cheaper (and easier) than paying for additional bags on a plane though.

If we go ahead with this, the dropoff/pickup point will be London Hackspace in Wembley.

We'll need to send the pallet comparatively early because I will be arriving at camp on the 16th/17th.

- August 7th: Last day to drop anything off at LHS
- August 16th-17th: Pallet arrives at camp
- August 26th: Last day to refill pallet
- September 2-3rd: Pallet arrives in London
- September 8th: Last day to remove items from London Hackspace

If you're interested, please fill in your name below with the maximum amount you're willing to pay:

People Interested:
- Manoj Nathwani £100
- Cass May £50