Keysigning Party am 08.02.2014
zur Kryptoparty von 05.02.:

= Key-Liste =

= STOP =

"mate time!"  \o/
thanks for the party!

= GPG Optionen =

--search-key: suche schluessel auf dem keyserver 
--recv-key:   hole schluessel vom keyserver
--list-keys:  zeige einen schluessel an
--list-sigs:  zeige die Unterschriften eines Schlüssels an
--sign-key:   signiere einen schluessel (nicht alle IDs)
--send-key:   lade signierten schluessel auf den keyserver hoch

= Howto =


keyserver: (Volker Grabsch)

alle schluessel vom keyserver runterziehen:
pub  1024R/57F77F09  created: 1995-01-30  expires: never       usage: SCEA
                     trust: unknown       validity: unknown
[ unknown] (1). Sven Guckes <>
[ unknown] (2)  Sven Guckes
[ revoked] (3)  Sven Guckes <>
[ revoked] (4)  Sven Guckes <>
einer uid vertrauen und die unterschreiben
eine (z.B. zurückgezogene) uid auswählen und löschen
unbrauchbare Schlüssel und Unterschriften löschen
mehr erfahrt ihr in der Doku
oder über
speichern nicht vergessen
= Signing =

key signing per FOR schleife:

for key in AD26D9FB 65F349F2 57F77F09 141E062E 426156CF 8D58496D 3A822C7A 38DDDA39 2DACA746 5AD416D3 DB4C5190; do
for> gpg --edit-key $key
for> done

= full check =


Q: How do I detect a forged key?
A: As explained in question "Can a public key be forged?", each component of the public key can be faked. It is, however, not possible to create a fake key for which all the components match.
For this reason, you should always verify that key ID, fingerprint, and key size correspond when you are about to use someone's key. And when you sign a user ID, make sure it is signed by the key's owner!
Similarly, if you want to provide information about your key, include not only key ID, but full fingerprint, algo and key size.

= Brain?art =

Was man mit der PhotoID noch machen könnte: (dezentraler Ersatz für Gravatar)

Ein Kontaktformular mit PGP (JavaScript):

Sven stellt vor: 
PGP pathfinder & key statistics
"msd ranking - wer rankt wie?"

im debian-paket "signing-party" gibt es sig2dot,
welcher die pgp-signaturen in .dot diagramme umwandelt.

"What does those boxes and arrows mean?"
"Certification check level 0/1/2/3 on the primary user ID. The primary user ID is the only one saved in the .wot file and used here. On graphs, the levels are represented by black/red/blue/green arrows. The black arrow is thin, the rest are thick."

forged / vanity PGP Keys:
2012-09-13 Aaron Toponce: Generating vanity OpenPGP keys - high level!msg/oalug/fZKzEQq1iyA/f5baKR_IoEsJ
immerhin.. ein ansatz! aber kein code.