Brainstorming for Top Ten Tasks All tasks were moved to a google spreadsheet. What's left are extended discussions. * Add a link to the Google summer of Code projects, might also be relevant for people considering getting involved in OSM development * Pedestrian and bike routing on areas (what does this mean? what router?) * refers to correct interpretation of higway=pedestrian/footway/... + area=yes, i.e. distance calculation for router and visual display of the route * can be implemented using any pedestrian router that fulfils the inclusion criteria for We don't need to specify the technology at this point – this has precedent in past open-ended tasks such as "POI inspection tool on the frontpage" * ...this is a GraphHopper/OSRM/Mapzen issue (those routers are already present on the front page of, not an one * That's a very narrow view. Past and present tasks have involved Potlatch, Overpass and Mapnik, for example. If adding functionality to requires changes to other projects, that should not disqualify it imo. * User Tags ( like in the changesets ) So we can invent user tags for data quality or other checks. ( user home city, user languages for communication, osm certification, and a little gamification/ ranking , teams/company ( like Mapbox data team / Facebook osm team ) , osm foundation membership , user mapping days , user type= human/company/import/bot/ai/... ) * Cleaning/Detecting/Checking/registering Keys/Tags ,, ; big topic! Need a formalized process for inventing osm keys; need an API for registering new Keys , need an API for querying osm Key Status ( like : deprecated,primary,secondary,promoted, .. ) We can store the translations here. * Combine email and forum and possibly other communications into single platform: create the best and better of both worlds. The email system and its archive is clumsy in many ways and the forum is hardly used or monitored. And having both means having to monitor more communiation channels (+1 -> make the community hub). * Create an higher teir of organization above changesets specifically for grouping and organizing changesets as part of a common project. For example all changesets part of the XYZ import would be under the "XYZ import" project which would include common info about that project instead of repeating that information in each changeset. Could also have projects of projects. This could also be useful for HOT OSM and shift some of the project organization from their side to OSM thus improving consistancy for the OSM database and userbase.[creating a relation on changesets?] * Push towards creating a full featured mapping webapp with the intent of making OSM more useful and appealing to a larger audience and thus getting closer to reaching the critical mass needed for mapping points of interest (POI). I still need to use Google maps because of it's great POI database, clickable POIs, ease of switching to satellite imagery, street view, distance measurement tool, multi-level maps, etc. * Better set of data management, visualization, and monitoring tools for contributors. Would include easier navigation of the history and historical data extraction, easier (partial) changeset reverting, revert-reverting, changeset comparisions, watch lists for monitoring quality of subsequent edits (either option for automatic subscription to edited objects, based on geospatial regions, or filters). Many of these are inspired by the qualities found in Wikipedia. [object history with differential representation] * Communication subscriptions based on geospatial regions. So for example, if one wanted to discuss a matter pertaining to a city or a province, they would select that region, or select a point or draw a bounding box and start a relevant discussion. Then anyone with a subscription region which intersects that discussion region will be notified. Users could set different levels of notification for different regions they select. For example one might be very familiar and interested with anything dissussed within a specific areas such as their neighbourhood and thus discussions pertaining to that would trigger email notification, whereas anything in their country could be left to a news/forum style feed they could browse from time to time. * A site like switchtoOSM but focussed on third party data instead.Process flow: * Welcoming intro - "Hi there! Do you have third party data that may be useful to OSM? That's great. Fill in the steps below to get help." * Step 1: Please tell us a little about the data licence -> guidance provided if not right. * Step 2: Please upload a sample of the data. A crack team of experienced OSM members will review the attributes and provide recommendations as to how to map these to OSM tags. * Step 3: How would you like to share this data? * 3a) We will add it -> editing help provided * 3b) We would like the help of a local group -> Key contact details provided.