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Public Pad Latest text of pad WXSlyAqS8t Saved Oct 29, 2022

OSM BE list of proirities
following diaries > done
community index > done
reviewmychange > done
massive local messaging through
basic statistics
extended membership waiver for OSMF
microfunding (domain, meetup,...)
local group website templates
dedicated channel
stickers and promo material
godfather program
MAIL TO local-chapters and people interested in community building
During the community building birds of the feather session at the State of the Map, we gathered a group focused on working towards a bigger community.
In the first place, they expressed a need for having a group/channel with which to exchange ideas, experiences and issues that the broader community could help with.
Second place, a need to push for a global agenda based on those experiences. There are some issues that all of us deal with, that are clearly OSMF related. Our job would be to collect these issues, prioritize them, and support OSMF in realizing them (for example by doing the boring stuff ourselves or reaching out to other working groups).
Third, documenting stuff so more of the experiences are readily available for the others who are starting or facing similar issues.
That same morning, the Local Chapters decided to repurpose the local-chapters mailing list for similar purposes. They decided that would be a good place to start, as well as that non-local chapters would be welcome too.
The group working on this could have the following as  mission:
> Collecting and exchanging local community building experience to create and implement a global agenda for OSM and OSMF community growth
The strategy:
> Attract more people to do the thinking and the working by letting them talk and work how they want to
In the community session, our primary focus was doing something that would continue after the session. Given the welcoming attitude of the local chapters, we recommended people register for
Since not everyone is comfortable using mailing lists and there is a need for "quick questions" as well as "thorough discussion", we decided to also set up a chat channel. I have set this up using Matrix and connected it to Telegram, Riot and IRC:
    IRC: "#osmcommunity on OFTC", URL ircs://
Second practical thing is that we need a documenting/planning/outreach tool. The experience of the group present (as well as previous experience by the State of the Map working group) pointed towards using Github for that. @sabas already started doing that, but there was a lot of resistance:
In the end, @hbogner created an instance for us at
Ideally, the Local Chapters and the community builders can just stick together. But that would require that the Local Chapters can get behind the mission and strategy mentioned before; that they agree to let the expanded membership organise things how they see fit.
I hope the Local Chapters members can see us doing these things together. If the Local Chapters Working Group wants a more specific focus and stick to a mailing list only, then we can just part ways, no hard feelings.
Personally, I don't like the fragmentation of channels either. But I see no alternative, because the medium is the message. You need to choose your channels in function of what you want to achieve. The disadvantage of fracturing can be adressed by better reporting: e.g. do a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly recap (based on the frequencies of discussions) of the main discussions on the chat channel and put it on the mailing list or some other archive.
I hope the input from this group can help us reach a quick conclusion! Basically the choice is between an expanded Local Chapters group and having a minimalist Local Chapters group and a new Community group.
---- notes from the community session
- set up github repo
- sign up to the for chapters and not-actually-a-chapter-but-like-ones & explain that somewhere :)
- collect and share best practise
- pros and cons of having a 'chapter' organisation
- implement decision making tool (e.g; Loomio)
- set up chatgroup: matrix connecting to other stuff
- "let's do more boring stuff!", says Joost
- expand wiki pages for sharing community buiding tactics
Other resources
Recommendation - watch Dave Eaves - Open Source Communities Django talk. We are here now -   "all you have is social capital", "architect for collaboration"
-Building open communities resources - (edits welcome!)
Measuring community  - 
Support a community from the user first - what do they want to do -
Notes from @seandebasti to the session “community Working group idea”
does every osm user/contributor knows the Structure about:
-how to reach whom For which purpose/idea
-is there a overview about relationships between OSMF, board, local chapters, working group, communities, single editors
Idea connector
how to reach someone
community WG
local chapter WG
methods of communication
mailing list better for independent access to conversation tools
Gender and Diversity Session
 SOTM 2018
 -female role model is most important way to strengthen women
 -more ease-of-use tool for community
 -pointing out clearly when the tone turns unacceptable
 -make a strong effort to bring more diversity (genders and others) to the OSM community
 -call out COC issues on mailing lists, slack, irc etc
 -hold more women in OSM mapping parties
 -ii will look up whether OSM already has a code of conduct
 -collaborate on a community group
 -i will listen to the concerns of women in osm
 -i will do/advocate mapping activities /mapathons that will encourage inclusive participation of all genders, sectors
 -i will make safe open and places for the lgbtqia are part of including diversity in osm and in helping the community as well
 - more involved in the discussion
 -treat others with respect and follow a code of conduct
 -i will encourage more women in my community to join and participate in OSM
 -join my local chapter or my community of country of origin to increase women's presence
 -think about how i'm priviledges and listen to marginalized voices
 -i will notice diversity and lack of diversity, where i did not think of it in the past
 -stop the insulting men
 -we should stop ranking edits, and publishing this as a way to showing commitment to the cause 
 -we all volunteer, but maybe our skills are also diverse
judging  other members on their motives
-we should stop disregarding other genders
we should paying OSMF membership until there is a way to report harassment
-we should stop making other people uneasy, encourage participation
-we should have different points of interest
--pointing fingers - stereotyping whole organizational groups as representative of everyone's opinions
-making personal attacks and instead listen to what others have to say
-we should stop coddling rudeness/excusing rudeness
-look at osm as a tech project
-unuseful and toxic discussions retailation to different points of view
-generalizing on nationality
-conflating OSM issues with OSS developer community issues. this binds us to 'women tech' issues that are not in general osm issues
-we should stop using abusivie language when communiciating
-repeatedly raising past mistakes when people are trying their absolute hardest to address issues - there are lots more positive
-we should stop using abusive language
-stop compromising of rights of marginalized people 
-zero tolerance on discrimination
--focusing on the gender division, and start looking at diversity as a broader conversation
-pretending this isn't a problem
WE SHOULD Start/Continue
-hearing each other out, even if you don't agree with the person
-we should do the survey every year
-we should continue to improve our openess towards newcomers
-to recongize if you're doing more harm than good when pushing your own agenda - we all come to the community for different reason, and care about different things - but sometimes you need to pause and appreciate others value before chastising them
-we should continue raising awarenss on this issue 
-we should start including other sectors such as children and pwds (
Persons With Disabilities) to be more visible on the map
-promote our allies
-talking about success and progress not dragging back up old mistakes (particularly if people have made effort to change and be more inclusive)
-continue marketing OSM to special interest groups that have a more balanced gender makeup
-have safe spaces for women to chat and collaborate
-talk and help each other discuss and tackle similar issues being faced
-we should continue supporting initiatives #letgirlsmap and @OSMGIRLS
-we should start/continue considering the LGBTQIA interests in our mapping projects.there's more than 2 genders and all are important
-focus more effort on the RACIAL ineqauality that exists, preventing marginalized communities and communities of colour from joining the osm community
-eg get involved in STEM and/or high school education
eg. programs that target education for low income /marginalized communities
-tell specific (who do you know) people that we value their story. tell them to submit a talk to the conference
-we, OSMGIRLS, should continue
--add a new tag to define the gender of names of the elements - ex. streetnames
-we should formalize a code of conduct 
-we should have a safe place to report the COC issues
-appoint moderators on mailing lists
-board should have diversity as an ongoing topic and set goals
-we should start a formal and confidential way to report harassment in /on OSM
-insisting on respectful language (moderation)
-be mindful on how inclusion of one group for one particular program/events might exlude other marginalized groups
-continue to actively enchange with all minorities to increase their profile
-appreciate more other people from other cultures
-we, osm girls, should continue
-give mic to women first at every q & A session at SOTM
-having regular surveys on this
-have a shorthand for calling out micro-aggressions (similar to the '+1s' or 'likes' 'up/down vote' etc.
-rational - some 'small' minor cases of discrimination comes from ignorance/carelessness rather than outright malace. calling these out is justified but raises tensions rather than diffusing them
-we should start having geochicas chapters per country
-regional mapathon month exmaple - maptober (october)
-we should start having a funding board, where groups can highlight projects which need funding - some of us may be able to help out!
-particularly this will help all genders seek equal access
Local Chapters
Local chapters and other local organizations (or unorganizations) shall
join (this list) at
and help each other.
Also, local chapters should inform the OSMF (or relevant working group)
if they feel the board, a working group or the foundation can help with
something. On the other hand, local chapters feel that by working
together, they (the chapters) may be able to provide more services and
infrastructure to the community without overloading the the OSMF with
things that aren't exactly OSM "core business".
There has been discussion about whether to found a working group in
which local chapters will coordinate. That shall be futher discussed on
the mailing list.
(Note that the previous "local chapters" working group was about
defining what a local chapter is and has more or less ceased action once
that was done and the first chapter had been accepted. Accepting new
local chapters is not done by that working group, but by the OSMF board.)