35C3 Emacs Assembly
- [ ] add more structure
- [ ] brainstorm ideas on orga of Emacs-related stuff we could make
People who wants to contribute somehow:
- I haven't decided whether or not I'm attending 36C3 but the tendency is clear ;-)
- focus: Personal Information Management (PIM); not really Elisp-savvy; advanced user
- may do: Org demos, Org workshops, Org talks, PIM talks, managing files, yasnippet/yankpad, org-depend, anything PIM-related (how to organize the Org files, ...), ...
- may do: a ledger talk or workshop
Anja Hörmann (currently no social media or blog, may change in 2019)
- about 2.5 years of emacs/org-mode experience (no own projects yet)
- focus: doing research with emacs/org-mode reproducibly (babel + org-tables, beamer + tex export)
- may do: literate programming example, presenting my workflow (depending on how 2019 goes); otherwise: perhaps org-mode export settings
TODOS for assembly preparation:
- [ ] Merchandizing? requires constant presence (by FIXXME)
- [ ] give-aways to people: stickers, folders, ... (by FIXXME)
- [ ] (by FIXXME)
- [ ] (by FIXXME)
- [ ] (by FIXXME)
- [ ] (by FIXXME)
- [ ] submit assembly to 36C3 (by FIXXME)
- [ ] submit Emacs-related events to 36C3 official program (by FIXXME)
- [ ] submit Emacs-related events to self-organized sessions (by FIXXME)
- Karl: a dome for 30 persons was too small (80 people showed up) on 35C3 although the session startet late at 22:30 and was not advertised for properly (short-term notice of a couple of hours) -> look for bigger stages?
- [ ] advertizing Emacs assembly: Twitter (by FIXXME)
- [ ] advertizing Emacs assembly short-term: Org mode ML (by FIXXME)
- [ ] advertizing Emacs assembly: Emacs Dev ML (by FIXXME)
- [ ] advertizing Emacs assembly: Emacs User ML(?) (by FIXXME)
- [ ] advertizing Emacs assembly: Mastodon (by FIXXME)
- [ ] advertizing Emacs assembly: FIXXME (by FIXXME)
- [ ] (by FIXXME)
- [ ] (by FIXXME)
- [ ] (by FIXXME)
- [ ] (by FIXXME)
Brainstorming Ideas:
- [ ] focus of events on beginners, advanced Emacsers, ...?
What happened 2018 on 35C3:
Church of Emacs:
Org mode demo by Karl Voit:
Karl got the impression that after the Org demo, there were much more people at the assembly. This might indicate that there is more "demand" as we might think. The lack of advertising the "Church of Emacs" assembly might have caused low traffic.